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Showing posts from September, 2019

Display thousands separator in Aras Innovator

Aras Innovator can automatically handle the format of Decimal Property with client culture. See below figures, users can find different number output in different culture. The problem is, system only handles the decimal separator. Although Aras Innovator is not a kind of accounting system, it still makes inconvenience for recognizing price data. Figure 1. The decimal data in default culture (en-US). Figure 2. The decimal data in German culture (de-DE). Solution Open "\Innovator\Client\javascript\ArasNumberHelper.js". Move to line 38 and add below code to "ArasNumberHelperFormat" function. Save file. if (locale!==null) { //Called by converting from neutral this.requestModules(); locale = this.localizationModule.normalizeLocale(locale); var formatResult,temp,digits; if (pattern) { temp = pattern.split('.'); digits = Math.min(temp[1] ? temp[1].length : 0, 20); } else { formatResult = number.toString()

Change Keyed Name Length in Aras Innovator

The "Keyed Name" value normally follows "Name" value, and the value may be very long in some special scenarios. Default length of "Keyed Name" Property is 128, but it can't be modified due to system restrictions (see Restriction on Modifying System Property ). All operations on Aras Innovator will be validated before executing command in database. Therefore, it is impossible to modify with AML or configure on system interface. The alternative way is to modify column definition in database directly. Use below the SQL command to achieve: ALTER TABLE [ Table Name ] ALTER COLUMN [keyed_name] NVARCHAR( New Length ) NULL; UPDATE [Property] SET [stored_length]= New Length WHERE [id]=' Property ID '; ※Please use the command very carefully because there is no any system check for it.