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Showing posts from July, 2018

aras.prompt Method (aras Object)

aras.prompt Method Shows prompt box with stylish dialog. Syntax aras.prompt( msg , defValue , argwin ) Parameters Name Type Description msg String Required. The text to show in prompt box. defValue String Required. The default input text. argwin Object Optional. The window to display prompt box. Default is current window. Return Value A Promise object. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.confirm Method (aras Object)

aras.confirm Method Shows confirm box with modal dialog. If showModalDialog method is unavailable, native JavaScript confirm box will be shown instead. Syntax aras.confirm( message , ownerWindow ) Parameters Name Type Description msg String Required. The text to show in confirm box. ownerWindow Object Optional. The window to display confirm box. Default is current window. ※If showModalDialog method is unavailable, this parameter will not be used. Return Value A Booelan. Returns true if user click the "OK" button, otherwise returns false. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.AlertWarning Method (aras Object)

aras.AlertWarning Method Shows warning message with stylish dialog. Syntax aras.AlertWarning( msg , argwin ) Parameters Name Type Description msg String Required. The text to show in warning dialog. argwin Object Optional. The window to display warning dialog. Default is current window. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.AlertSuccess Method (aras Object)

aras.AlertSuccess Method Shows success message at bottom left of window. Syntax aras.AlertSuccess( msg , argwin ) Parameters Name Type Description msg String Required. The text to show at bottom left of window. argwin Object Optional. The window to display success message. Default is current window. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.AlertError Method (aras Object)

aras.AlertError Method Shows error message with stylish dialog. Syntax aras.AlertError( errorMessage , technicalErrorMessage , stackTrace , argwin ) Parameters Name Type Description errorMessage String or Object Required. The text to show in error dialog. If passing an object, the method will try to get error message from it. technicalErrorMessage String Optional. Technical message to show in details of error dialog. stackTrace String Optional. Stack trace to show in details of error dialog. argwin Object Optional. The window to display error dialog. Default is current window. Return Value A Promise object. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.uiShowItemEx Method (aras Object)

aras.uiShowItemEx Method Shows Item with Item node. Syntax aras.uiShowItem( itemNd , viewMode , isOpenInTearOff ) Parameters Name Type Description itemNd Object Required. Item node. viewMode String Optional. Unknown purpose but only supports the following values: tab view (Default) openFile new ※Each supported value will get same result. Therefore, call method and pass undefined for this parameter is OK. isOpenInTearOff Boolean Optional. Specifies whether show Item with tear-off window. true - open in a tear-off window. false - open in a tab. (Default) Return Value An AsyncResult object or a Boolean. Returns AsyncResult object if the Item winodw is opened successfully, otherwise returns false. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework

aras.uiShowItem Method (aras Object)

aras.uiShowItem Method Gets Item by Item ID and then shows the Item. Syntax aras.uiShowItem( itemTypeName , itemID , viewMode ) Parameters Name Type Description itemTypeName String Required. Name of the ItemType. itemID String Required. ID of the Item. viewMode String Optional. Unknown purpose but only supports the following values: tab view - This is default. openFile new ※Each supported value will get same result. Therefore, call method without this parameter is OK. Return Value An AsyncResult object or a Boolean. Returns AsyncResult object if the Item winodw is opened successfully, otherwise returns false. See Also aras Object Aras Innovator Client Framework