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Showing posts from June, 2017

Automatically adjust vertical page breaks in EXCEL

Merge cells is a very useful function in EXCEL, but sometimes, we would find merged area is split while we want to print. Obviously, it is necessary to adjust print area and is very simple. But, what if there are many pages? It will be a tiring work! Let do something with VBA. Below code shows how to automatically adjust vertical page breaks. Dim longBreaks As Long longBreaks = Me.HPageBreaks.Count 'Get total breaks 'Reset all breaks location Call Me.ResetAllPageBreaks Dim i As Long Dim objBreakCell As Range For i = 1 To longBreaks Set objBreakCell = Me.HPageBreaks.Item(i).Location If objBreakCell.MergeCells Then 'If the break is in merged area, set the first cell of area to new page break Call Me.HPageBreaks.Add(objBreakCell.MergeArea.Cells(1)) End If Next

Strip backslashes in PHP

Returned things from webpage request may contain lots of backslashes due to JavaScript and JSON may need to escape some characters. That is inconvenient if we want to handle these results such as do regular expression in PHP; therefore, just use function "stripslashes" to strip all backslashes which are used for escaping characters. $stripped_string = stripslashes($input_string) References: PHP: stripslashes - Manual