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Method Agent for Aras Innovator


Aras officially provides "Aras Innovator Service" which can automatically run Methods on a periodic schedule. But it is only available for subscribers.
This is a console application and is able to perform similar function with Windows Task Scheduler.

(1) No one is responsible for any damages, losses or consequences, please use it carefully.
(2) This is not official tool, if you have any doubt, please contact Aras to get their professional support to prevent unexpected problems.

Command Line Syntax

ArasMethodAgent.exe [server] [database] [username] [password] [methodname] [properties]
  • server - Server url of Aras Innovator.
  • database - The database name to connect.
  • username - The username to login.
  • password - The password to login.
  • methodname - The Method name to execute.
  • properties - Method body. This parameter accepts one or more properties, but need to separate property name and property value with colon symbol(:). For example, "name:value".


Change Log

Version Released
1.00 2019/1/6
  1. First release


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