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Trigger Sequence of Versioning Events in Aras Innovator

There are two actions can handle versionable Item modification:
  • edit: when ItemType's versioning discipline is "Automatic", system will create new version Item when updating.
  • version: create new version Item.
Basically, edit action will lock, update, unlock an Item. Therefore, relevant ItemType Server Events include:
  • OnBeforeLock
  • OnAfterLock
  • OnBeforeUpdate
  • OnAfterUpdate
  • OnBeforeUnlock
  • OnAfterUnlock
As for version action, mainly triggering below events:
  • OnBeforeVersion
  • OnAfterVersion

Edit Action

If versioning discipline is automatic, system will execute version action in background. That makes the process is a little complex, trigger sequence of relevant events is shown as Figure 1.
Figure 1. Trigger sequence of edit action.

Please note, all update and version events will not be triggered when "OnUpdate" event exists (due to this will overwrite original system process).

Version Action

This action mainly use for manually creating a new version. The process is shown as Figure 2.

Figure 2. Trigger sequence of version action.

Please note, all update and version events will not be triggered when "OnUpdate" event exists (due to this will overwrite original system process).


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