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aras Object (Aras Innovator Client Framework)

aras Object

Provides client side API.


Name Description
IomInnovatorGets Innovator instance.
utilsGets Utils instance.


Name Description
AlertErrorShows error message with stylish dialog.
AlertSuccessShows success message at bottom left of window.
AlertWarningShows warning message with stylish dialog.
applyAMLSends AML script to server and gets server response.
applyMethodExecutes a server side Method and gets server response.
calcMD5Generates MD5 hash.
clearClientMetadataCacheClears all client side metadata caches and empty contents in Work Window Object.
confirmShows confirm box with modal dialog. If showModalDialog method is unavailable, native JavaScript confirm box will be shown instead.
convertFromNeutralConverts neutral value to local value. Only effect on these data types: date, decimal, float.
convertToNeutralConverts local value to neutral value. Only effect on these data types: date, decimal, float.
downloadFileDownloads a file from vault server.
evalItemMethodExecutes a client side Method with Item node.
evalJavaScriptEvaluates JavaScript code in the Aras object space.
evalMethodExecutes a client side Method with Item node or XML string.
generateNewGUIDGenerates a new Item ID.
getCurrentLoginNameGets login name of current user.
getCurrentUserIDGets ID of current user.
getFormIdGets Form ID by Form name.
getIdentityListGets Identity list of current user.
getInnovatorUrlGet system entry url.
getIsAliasIdentityIDForLoggedUserGets Alias of current user.
getItemByIdGets Item node by Item ID. System will load data from server when:
  • Item node exists in cache and is dirty, but contained levels is less than requested levels.
  • Item node does not exists in cache.
Otherwise, cached data will be returned.
getItemByNameGets Item node by Item name. System will load data from server when:
  • Item node exists in cache and is dirty, but contained levels is less than requested levels.
  • Item node does not exists in cache.
Otherwise, cached data will be returned.
getItemPropertyGets property value with specified name from Item node.
getItemTypeIdGets ItemType ID by ItemType name.
getItemTypeNameGets ItemType name by ItemType ID.
getItemWhereUsedFinds Item where used.
getListFilterValuesGets List Filter Values by List ID.
getListIdGets List ID by List name.
getListValuesGets List Values by List ID.
getMostTopWindowWithArasGets the most top window object.
getRelatedItemGets Related Item node from Item node.
getRelationshipsGets Relationship Item nodes with specified RelationshipType name from Item node.
isDirtyExChecks the attribute "isDirty" from Item node.
isLockedChecks if Item is locked from Item node.
isLockedByUserChecks if Item is locked by current user from Item node.
isNewChecks if the action is "add" from Item node.
isTempExChecks the attribute "isTemp" from Item node.
lockItemLocks an Item by Item ID and ItemType name.
lockItemExLocks an Item by Item node.
newIOMItemCreates a new Item by Innovator instance.
promptShows prompt box with stylish dialog.
setItemPropertySet property value with specified name to Item node.
uiCloseWindowExCloses Item window by Item ID.
uiFindWindowExFinds Item window by Item ID.
uiGetFilteredListExGets filtered List Filter Values.
uiNewItemExExecutes "New Item" command for specified ItemType.
uiShowItemGets Item by Item ID and then shows the Item.
uiShowItemExShows Item with Item node.
unlockItemUnlocks an Item by Item ID and ItemType name. If the Item is dirty, confirm box will show before executing unlock action.
unlockItemExUnlocks an Item by Item node.

See Also

Aras Innovator Client Framework


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